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We have a comprehensive and extensive Battery Recycling system in Australia with 98 % of  car batteries being recycled.  Car Batteries contain lead and as well as sulphuric acid. Keeping these toxic chemicals out of the environment is essential.  The lead and plastics recycled from the batteries are often  used to manufacture new batteries and  the sulphuric acid can be used to make detergent.  Significant energy savings are made by recycling these products.  Warning: Lead acid batteries are hazardous DO NOT put in kerb side bins, find a recylcer below. 


 Look after your car battery, see link for 7 tips 


Evelyn metal recyclers Clancy rd Mount Evelyn


Auto Plus  349 Belgrave Gembrook rd Emerald 


Coldstream, Montrose,  Transfer Stations

Free Pickup Service contact Will Koster of Mount Evelyn  0458332231 to arrange. 


Ferntree Gully CFA 5-7 The Avenue FTG


Repco Auto parts  1034 Buwood Hwy FTG 

97% of a Car Battery can be recycled 


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